Wow, triiipy
The most psychedelic, evil, violent, and trippy video i have ever seen. Really insane, well done
Wow, triiipy
The most psychedelic, evil, violent, and trippy video i have ever seen. Really insane, well done
The best colab i've ever seen
Eeach piece goes together well, amazing animation and style and sound. The best one had to have been the massacre. You guys should make another!
The birth of a giant
Since this movie came out, none of the madness movies have left the top 50, or even 25. Some hilarious stuff happens here, by far the funniest madness.
Even more insane than all the previous
This is just another amazing submission from Kirnkles, although i really didnt get the plot (did the same guy get brought back to life again?) but it is overall incredible just like all the others
Pretty hilarious
Really random and very funny
Drunkship of Lanterns
Joined on 12/18/05